Posts by Year


AWS IAM Overview

Over at the AWS Training center they provide a set of tutorials, which in some cases are free. I recently registered to and watched the IAM tutorial Authenti...


Presentation slides with Reveal.js

Using the reveal javascript library its possible to build intricate presentation slides for the browser. While its possible to create a sample using a web cl...

Rapid prototyping with code templates

Over the last few years I have been using Python quite a lot to build rapid prototypes. By far the best command line tool I’ve found for this is the python ‘...

Building a responsive photo gallery

Recently I needed to build a photo gallery for a website built with ReactJS. I came across a convenient react library “react-photo-gallery” which was ideal f...

Kubernetes Administration Techniques

This blog entry is intended as a guide to some of the Kubernetes Administration features. It is not exhaustive list but instead is intended to serve as a...